As a security researcher, I’m constantly battling the lack of access on my retail Nexus 7. I spent about 12 hours today messing with this, rooting the device and modifying boot images. Each time, my device would get stuck in a “soft-brick/bootloop’.
It was frustrating.
I followed every step-by-step I could find, continuously modding the setting in build.prop but to no avail. Funny enough – the trick I was using to root and recover my device is what ended up offering a solution!
Root Your Device, For Real
There are a number of roots out there, but none as good as “Nexus Root Toolkit’ by WugFresh. I was a little hesitant, but believe me – if you follow EVERY STEP (esp deleting and installing drivers) it works fantastic.
Run through the wizard. Follow the YouTube videos. A child can do this.
But Not Really
However, after you’ve rooted your device, you’re still in “Production” mode and you still can’t get root in shell. To accomplish that, you need to flip the production bit. But, as mentioned, I could never figure out how to flip the bit and then restore the boot image. Whenever I flashed the image back onto the device, it would go into a continuous reboot. At some point, however, I was poking around the Nexus Root Tooklit UI and saw the “Advanced Utilities” option to temporarily boot on an opened image.
I used it a couple times to see what was going on with my device – it would boot on the “modified boot image,” even when it wouldn’t boot on my slightly modified image. And when I adb shell’ed into the device, I had that wonderful root option!
It was only around hour 11.5 that I realized I could have flashed that image (their modified boot image) onto the boot partition, and my device would no longer be in production mode.
So it’s simple…
- Launch NRT
- Click “Advanced”
- Under “Boot Flash Image,” switch the option from “Boot (Temporary)” to “Flash (Permanent)”
- Select the modified boot image in the \data\modified boot image directory in the NRT install folder
- Let it flash
Your device is now no longer in production mode – you can mount it as root:
Further Research
I’m sure I could simply flip that bit somehow, but I just haven’t figured out how. After a full 12 hours (on top of an 8-hour work day), I decided to just move on. Anyone with better ideas – leave a comment!
Thanks for the post. Really helpful!